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Healthy Skepticism Updates

Update 2006-11-09

We thank the 291 people who have corrected and updated their details in our database during the past 2 days. There were some errors created during the database transfer process eg. all the Australians were recorded as living in Argentina. If you have not done so yet, please use the link at the end of this message to check if our record for you needs to be corrected or updated.

PLOS Medicine has published today a set of recommendations for improving education for health professionals about pharmaceutical and device promotion. The recommendations were produced by an iterative E-mail discussion among representatives of four organizations: the American Medical Student Association, Healthy Skepticism Inc., No Free Lunch, and PharmAware.

Mansfield PR, Lexchin J, Wen LS, Grandori L, McCoy CP, et al. (2006) Educating Health Professionals about Drug and Device Promotion: Advocates' Recommendations. PLoS Med 3(11): e451
(You may need to repair this link before pasting it in your web browser.)

Also published recently:
Mansfield P (2006) Industry-Sponsored Research: A More Comprehensive Alternative. PLoS Med 3(10): e463

We have had a request for help from KILEN  - Consumer Institute and Association for Medicines and Health, Sweden because the new Swedish government has decided to stop the funding. KILEN will run out to funds and thus be forced to close in a few weeks.

KILEN ( ) started in 1975 and is one of the oldest consumer-organisation focusing on helping people harmed by and/or dependent on medicines.
KILEN is also provides independent information about medicines including at seminars and conferences about patient safety.
KILEN is involved in many national and international projects including:
* Consumer reporting of adverse effects of drugs.
* Quality and safety of medicines - patient safety - in Newly Independent States.
* School-projects: To empower and educate children and youth about medicines.

I visited KILEN when I was in Stockholm in September and was very impressed.

You can help by sending an email to Goran Hagglund, Minister of Health, Sweden:
[email deleted]
with a copy to Lena Westin: [email deleted]
(NB the o in Goran and the a in Hagglund should have umlats but our email sender can not do umlats yet.)

For example I sent the following message today:

Dear Mr Hagglund,

I am writing to you on behalf of Healthy Skepticism Inc., an international organisation aiming to improve health by reducing harm from misleading drug promotion.

Please continue funding for KILEN (Consumer Institute and Association for Medicines and Health). KILEN's work on adverse drug reactions is has provided international leadership that is helping save lives and reduce harm around the world.


Dr Peter Mansfield
Director, Healthy Skepticism Inc


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There is no sin in being wrong. The sin is in our unwillingness to examine our own beliefs, and in believing that our authorities cannot be wrong. Far from creating cynics, such a story is likely to foster a healthy and creative skepticism, which is something quite different from cynicism.”
- Neil Postman in The End of Education