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Healthy Skepticism Announcements

Conference videos: Videos of Selling Sickness conference Amsterdam 2010 now available

Videos of all the talks presented at the Selling Sickness international conference in Amsterdam on 7 and 8 October 2010 are now available at:


There is one video each for the following 7 sections of the conference:

Day 1 - Thursday 7 October
1. What is selling sickness and is it for real?
Welcome and opening - Ruud Coolen van Brakel
Where science meets marketing - Ray Moynihan
Industry’s role in informing the public - Brian Ager
DSM-V Opening Pandora’s Box - Allen Frances

2. What new methods are being used?
The Dutch situation, supervision and law enforcement - Josée Hansen
Clinical trials as disease mongering instruments - Trudy Dehue
Social Media and Pharma: Support or new commercial channel to care? - Rob Halkes

3. Learning from documented examples
Promotion to the public: European disease awareness campaigns - Teresa Alves
Promotion of prescription medicines to physicians and the public - Dee Mangin

4. Who pays the bill?
The influence on rational use of medicine - Kees de Joncheere
The influence on patients - Ilaria Passarani
Redesigning the incentives for the pharmaceutical industry - Dean Baker

Day 2 - Friday 8 October
5. Redesigning the system?
Financial and insurance aspects - Henk Eleveld
Independent information for patients - Hilda Bastian

6. The need for new regulations and guidelines
Self regulation on disease promotion - Lode Wigersma
Regulation of pharmaceutical promotion - Graham Dukes
Guidelines and HTA - Meindert Boysen

7. New responsibilities for main stakeholders?
Prize ‘best poster’
The industry: partner in solutions? - Michel Dutrée
Should the Medicines Evaluation Board be involved? - Bert Leufkens
International Cooperation - Peter Mansfield
Final panel discussion: towards a joint statement
Closing remarks - Ruud Coolen van Brakel


Announcements homepage

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