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Healthy Skepticism International News

October 2002


Armstrong, D., Reyburn, H. & Jones, R.  (1996).  A study of general practitioners’ reasons for changing their prescribing behaviour.  British Medical Journal, 312, 949-952.

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Greenhalgh, T.  (1997).  Papers that report drug trials (How to read a paper, part 6).  British Medical Journal, 315, 480-484.

Griffith, D.  (1999).  Reasons for not seeing drug representatives.  British Medical Journal, 319, 69-70.

Haayer, F.  (1982).  Rational prescribing and sources of information.  Social Science of Medicine, 16, 2017-2023.

Jones, M., Greenfield, S. & Bradley, C.  (2001).  Prescribing new drugs: Qualitative study of influences on consultants and general practitioners.  British Medical Journal, 323, 1-7.

Lexchin, J.  (1989).  Doctors and detailers: Therapeutic education or pharmaceutical promotion?  International Journal of Health Sciences, 19, 663-679.

Lexchin, J.  (1993).  Interactions between physicians and the pharmaceutical industry: What does the literature say?  Canadian Medical Association Journal, 149, 1401-1407.

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Mansfield, P.  (2001, Summer).  Pushing expensive new drugs.  Consuming Interest, p. 27-29.

Mansfield, P. & Lexchin, J.  (2000).  Scepticism and beliefs about new drugs.  Unpublished manuscript.

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Murphy, K.  (1999, May 28).  Guidelines on when to reject gift offers.  Australian Doctor, p. 8.

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Potter, J.  (1996).  Representing Reality: Discourse, rhetoric and social construction.  London: SAGE Publications Ltd.

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Roughead, E.  (1995).  The pharmaceutical representative and medical practitioner encounter: Implications for quality use of medicines.  Unpublished master’s thesis, Latrobe University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

Shaughnessy, A. & Slawson, D.  (1996).  Pharmaceutical representatives.  British Medical Journal, 312, 1494-1995.

Siegal, D. & Lopez, J.  (1997).  Trends in antihypertensive drug use in the United States: Do the JNC V recommendations affect prescribing?  Journal of The American Medical Association, 278, 1745-1748.

Steinman, M., Shlipak, M. & McPhee, S.  (2001).  Of principles and pens: Attitudes and practices of medicine housestaff toward pharmaceutical industry promotions.  The American Journal of Medicine, 110, 551-557.

Susman, E.  (2001, July 17).  U.S. doctors touchy on topic of pharmaceutical gifts.  The Medical Post, p. 9.

Thomson, A., Craig, B. & Barham, P.  (1994).  Attitudes of general practitioners in New Zealand to pharmaceutical representatives.  British Journal of General Practice, 44, 220-226.

Wazana, A.  (2000).  Physicians and the pharmaceutical industry: Is a gift ever just a gift?  The Journal of the American Medical Association, 283(3), 373-383.

Westfall, J., McCabe, J. & Nicholas, R.  (1997).  Personal use of drug samples be physicians and office staff.  The Journal of the American Medical Association, 278, 141-143.

Westfall, J.  (1998, June).  Drug samples: Benefit or bait? [Letter in reply to letter to the editor].  The Journal of the American Medical Association, 279, 1698-1700.

Westfall, J.  (2000).  Physicians, pharmaceutical representatives, and patients: Who really benefits?  Journal of Family Practice, 49(9), 817-820.

Wetherell, M. & Potter, J.  (1992).  Mapping the language of racism: Discourse and the legitimisation of exploitation.  London: Harvester Wheatsheaf.

Wolf, B.  (1998, June).  Drug samples: Benefit or bait? [Letter to the editor].  The Journal of the American Medical Association, 279(21), 1698-1700.

Woolgar, S. & Pawluch, D.  (1985).  Ontological gerry-mandering: The anatomy of social problems explanations.  Social Problems, 32, 214-227.

Ziegler, M., Lew, P. & Singer, B.  (1995).  The accuracy of drug information from pharmaceutical sales representatives.  The Journal of the American Medical Association, 273, 1296-1298.



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What these howls of outrage and hurt amount to is that the medical profession is distressed to find its high opinion of itself not shared by writers of [prescription] drug advertising. It would be a great step forward if doctors stopped bemoaning this attack on their professional maturity and began recognizing how thoroughly justified it is.
- Pierre R. Garai (advertising executive) 1963