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Links included here are relevant to Healthy Skepticism's field of interest. However, we do not always agree with the contents.

Highly recommended sites | Blogs | HAI Health Action International and contacts | Internal Company Documents | ISDB International Society of Drug Bulletins and members | Legal issues | Non-Government Organisations

Please notify Robyn Clothier if any of the following links require updating.

Highly recommended sites

US sites


HAI Health Action International and contacts

  • Health Action International
    HAI is a non-profit, global network of health, development, consumer and other public interest groups in more than 70 countries working for a more rational use of medicinal drugs. HAI represents the interests of consumers in drug policy and believes that all drugs marketed should be acceptably safe, effective, affordable and meet real medical needs.
  • BUKO-Pharmakampagne, Germany
  • Consumer Project on Technology, USA
  • Declaration de Berne, Switzerland (in German)
  • DES Action, Canada
    DES Action Canada is a national non-profit consumer organization whose purpose is to identify, educate, provide support to, and advocate for the people exposed to the drug DES. It is the only organization in the country alerting Canadians to the ongoing health risks related to DES. The organization also works toward the prevention of similar public health problems, particularly in the field of reproductive health care.
  • Federconsumatori, Italy
  • Corporate Accountability International ( fomerly INFACT, Canada )
  • Instituto Mario Negri, Italy
  • Public Citizen Health Research Group, USA
  • Social Audit, UK the publishing arm of a UK Registered Charity, Public Interest Research Centre Ltd (PIRC). 
    The name Social Audit derived by analogy: "if there are financial audits, why should there not also be ‘social audits’ – regular reports on the way any company is performing its duty not just to shareholders, but to workers, consumers, indeed everyone affected by what that body does?"
    Founded in 1972, PIRC is a strictly independent enterprise, thanks largely to grants from the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust, also through sale of publications. Our principal legal object is "to procure" that organisations of all kinds "properly and adequate serve the interests and needs of the public generally (or any section of the public for whose benefit service or assistance they exist or are supposed to exist)."
    PIRC states that "Our size is in inverse proportion to the breadth of our terms, therefore our work is very focused. Mostly it concerns the web of organisations at the centre of power in pharmaceutical medicine, which pretty much decide how medicines are used and to what effect."
  • The Hesperian Foundation, USA

Internal company documents

  • Drug Industry Document Archive ( University of California, San Fransisco) . The Drug Industry Document Archive (DIDA) houses about 1000 documents drawn primarily from United States ex. rel. David Franklin vs. Parke-Davis, Division of Warner-Lambert Company (now owned by Pfizer, Inc). The litigation concerned the marketing of Neurontin (gabapentin). (See About the Project for more details.) DIDA also contains documents on the marketing of Vioxx (rofecoxib) from the public records of the Minority Office of the Congressional Committee on Government Reform. The documents in this Archive focus primarily on the marketing of Neurontin (gabapentin) and Vioxx (rofecoxib), and include internal documents from Parke-Davis, Merck & Co. and correspondence with outside physicians and organizations, such as medical education and communications companies and advertising firms. Also included are regulatory and legal documents, court filings and depositions.
    New documents will be added as they become available.

ISDB International Society of Drug Bulletins and members

  • ISDB (International Society of Drug Bulletins)
    The International Society of Drug Bulletins (ISDB) was founded in 1986. It aims to promote the international exchange of information of good quality on drugs and therapeutics, to encourage and to assist the development of professionally independent drug bulletins in all countries and facilitate cooperation among bulletins.
  • Australian Prescriber
    Australian Prescriber is an independent review of therapeutics. It aims to provide short direct and didactic reviews on a range of topics which will assist the readers in their professional duties.
  • Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin
    Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin is published in the UK by Which? Ltd (a subsidiary of Consumers' Association). An eight page, monthly bulletin, it gives rigorous and independent evaluations of drugs and other treatments, and is aimed at doctors and pharmacists.

Legal issues

  • 1-Stop Baycol Lawyer Legal-based site that provides comprehensive information on the Baycol (cerivastatin) recall, the indications for Baycol, associated health risks, and important online resources. In addition, 1-Stop Baycol Lawyer provides legal rights and remedies to anyone who has experienced serious side effects or conditions while taking Baycol.
  • Vickery & Waldner LLP, Houston Texas: Prozac Information

Non-Government Organisations



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Cases of wilful misrepresentation are a rarity in medical advertising. For every advertisement in which nonexistent doctors are called on to testify or deliberately irrelevant references are bunched up in [fine print], you will find a hundred or more whose greatest offenses are unquestioning enthusiasm and the skill to communicate it.

The best defence the physician can muster against this kind of advertising is a healthy skepticism and a willingness, not always apparent in the past, to do his homework. He must cultivate a flair for spotting the logical loophole, the invalid clinical trial, the unreliable or meaningless testimonial, the unneeded improvement and the unlikely claim. Above all, he must develop greater resistance to the lure of the fashionable and the new.
- Pierre R. Garai (advertising executive) 1963