Healthy Skepticism Library item: 9244
Warning: This library includes all items relevant to health product marketing that we are aware of regardless of quality. Often we do not agree with all or part of the contents.
Publication type: Journal Article
Fehring RA.
Impact of managed care: pharmaceutical industry analyst perspective
ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting 1994 Dec; 29:
The purpose of this presentation is to place into perspective the impact of managed care on the pharmaceutical industry. The information is extracted from the prescription transactions of over 33,000 computerized retail pharmacies, generating in excess of 1.4 billion prescriptions annually. The results of the analysis demonstrate the following: (1) Managed care, both public and private, now managed to some extent 50%+ of all prescriptions dispensed in the United States. (2) Managed care is a significant driving force behind increasing pharmaceutical utilization in the United States. (3) Branded pharmaceuticals, indeed market leaders, continue to enjoy market preference in the private managed care environment. In conclusion, the overall impact of managed care to date appears to be the creation of price insensitive consumers of pharmaceuticals. Learning objectives: 1. Quantify the size of managed care prescription market in the U.S. 2. Describe the role that managed care plays in pharmaceutical consumption. 3. Compare pharmaceutical consumption of managed care patients vs. cash paying patients. Self-assessment questions: 1. Managed care is now responsible for the management of the following percentage of prescriptions filled in the U.S. a. 25%; b. 40%; c. 50%+. 2. Managed care, both public and private, are the primary force behind increased pharmaceutical consumption in the U.S. (True/False). 3. Describe three differences in the pharmaceutical consumption of managed care vs. cash patients. Answers: (1) c. (2) True. (3) Managed care patients are more brand oriented, are more market leader oriented, and generally receive larger prescriptions.