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Healthy Skepticism Library item: 8239

Warning: This library includes all items relevant to health product marketing that we are aware of regardless of quality. Often we do not agree with all or part of the contents.


Publication type: Journal Article

Gaunt R, Whitfield M, Ghalamkari H, Millar M.
General practitioner prescribing and community pharmacist recommendation for the sale of aciclovir topical cream
International Journal of Pharmacy Practice 1996 Dec; 4:204-208


The prescribing by general medical practitioners (GPs) and the recommendations to customers by community pharmacists in the same locale in an urban area with respect to the use of a topical cream of acyclovir (aciclovir; Zovirax) in the treatment of herpes simplex infections of the lips and face were studied using questionnaires that were personally delivered to and completed by 50 GPs and 50 community pharmacists. In the main part of the questionnaire, participants indicated whether they would prescribe/recommend a topical cream of acyclovir in 9 case studies that were illustrated with a color photograph. There were no significant differences between the prescribing/recommending actions of the participants, with the exception of 1 case. Pharmacists were more inclined than GPs to recommend acyclovir cream in a case involving a cold sore at the scabbing stage. Pharmacists reported receiving more information about acyclovir from the manufacturer than did the GPs. Some GPs were not completely familiar with licensing laws regulating the OTC sale of acyclovir cream.


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