Healthy Skepticism Library item: 695
Warning: This library includes all items relevant to health product marketing that we are aware of regardless of quality. Often we do not agree with all or part of the contents.
Publication type: Journal Article
Beazley RN.
Drug Advertisements
Med J Aust 1935 Jan 12; 72
Full text:
Drug Advertisements
Sir: In today’s journal you print a timely letter from Dr. Inglis Robertson on the menace of drug advertisements. The British Medical Journal of November 24, 1934, reviews “Hospital Practice for Interns”. “a pocket volume, published by the American Medical Association, which provides a concise and carefully compiled materia medica” et cetera. The price is not stated. The purpose of the volume is to fortify the physician against the advertisements for proprietory remidies and against “the lure of the fixed formula” and “the facile flow of pseudoscience that eminates from the lips of the detail man”. That such a publication is badly needed is shown by the American Medical Association’s activity in its compilation. Could not our Association or the Australasian Medical Publishing Company arrange for the book to be made available in Australia?
yours, etc.,
R. N. Beazley.
Lane Cove Road.
New South Wales.
January 5, 1935