Healthy Skepticism Library item: 6722
Warning: This library includes all items relevant to health product marketing that we are aware of regardless of quality. Often we do not agree with all or part of the contents.
Publication type: Journal Article
Martin JB.
Bioequivalence of levothyroxine preparations: industry sponsorship and academic freedom
JAMA 1997; 277:1201
The incident involving Dong and Knoll is only a temporary setback and we must learn from it how to make the relationship between academic institutions and industry more harmonious and mutually productive. The author also wants to acknowledge Knoll’s endorsement of the principle of academic freedom.
*letter to the editor/United States/Knoll/academic freedom/ Betty Dong/ drug company sponsored research/ relationship between researchers, academic institutions and industry/ETHICAL ISSUES IN PROMOTION: LINKS BETWEEN HEALTH PROFESSIONALS AND INDUSTRY/SPONSORSHIP: RESEARCH