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Healthy Skepticism Library item: 6523

Warning: This library includes all items relevant to health product marketing that we are aware of regardless of quality. Often we do not agree with all or part of the contents.


Publication type: Journal Article

Merck Sharp & Dohme associates Zocor with “Success•Acceptance•Confidence”
MaLAM Australian News 1994 Sep-Oct; 2:(3):1-4


This issue discusses the promotion of lipid lowering agents for primary prevention of cardiovascular disease. Promotion emphasizes the benefits of treatment by quoting relative risk reductions rather than absolute risk reductions. Educational meetings funded by the pharmaceutical industry only mention diet therapy but do not provide adequate information about this treatment modality.

*analysis/Australia/developed countries/Zocor/simvastatin/quality of information/ promotion costs and volume/ corporate funding / efficacy/ relative risk reduction/ reporting of results/conferences/MaLAM/Medical Lobby for Appropriate Marketing/Merck/ attitude toward promotion/ATTITUDES REGARDING PROMOTION: INDUSTRY/EVALUATION OF PROMOTION: DRUG SAFETY/INFLUENCE OF PROMOTION: PRESCRIBING, DRUG USE/PROMOTION AND HEALTH NEEDS: PROMOTION IN DEVELOPED COUNTRIES/PROMOTION DISGUISED: CONFERENCES AND MEETINGS


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There is no sin in being wrong. The sin is in our unwillingness to examine our own beliefs, and in believing that our authorities cannot be wrong. Far from creating cynics, such a story is likely to foster a healthy and creative skepticism, which is something quite different from cynicism.”
- Neil Postman in The End of Education