Healthy Skepticism Library item: 6029
Warning: This library includes all items relevant to health product marketing that we are aware of regardless of quality. Often we do not agree with all or part of the contents.
Publication type: Journal Article
Guyatt , G .
Relations with the pharmaceutical industry
Canadian Medical Association Journal 1994; 151:415
The response by Ms. Erola to Dr. Guyatt’s original article opened by thanking the Canadian Medical Association Journal for sharing an advance copy of his article with her. This opening is misleading and disingenuous as Dr. Guyatt had sent a draft of his article to the Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association of Canada twice. The interests of the public and those of industry are fundamentally opposed and had the industry been involved in the development of McMaster University’s guidelines about interactions with the residents it would have brought its own priorities and pressures to bear on the process.
*letter to the editor/Canada/ disinformation/ ideology/ guidelines, discussion of/ Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association of Canada/ relationship between physicians in training and industry/ETHICAL ISSUES IN PROMOTION: LINKS BETWEEN HEALTH PROFESSIONALS AND INDUSTRY/PROMOTION DISGUISED: DISINFORMATION AND HARASSMENT