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Healthy Skepticism Library item: 5173

Warning: This library includes all items relevant to health product marketing that we are aware of regardless of quality. Often we do not agree with all or part of the contents.


Publication type: Journal Article

Michalko K, Gibbs B.
Pharmaceutical representative committee
Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy 1993; 46:84


A committee of 15 pharmaceutical manufacturer’s representatives (PMRs), the director of pharmaceutical services and the coordinator of supply (pharmacy) was formed in February 1992 to enhance the cooperation between PMRs, the hospital and the pharmacy. The committee was chosen from responses to a letter mailed to regional managers of pharmaceutical companies in November 1991. Balanced representation was achieved by choosing members from large and small companies and from Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association of Canada and Canadian Drug Manufacturers Association (the association representing generic companies) companies. The objective of the committee are to develop and maintain effective policies for PMRs at the hospital and to act as liaison between the industry and the hospital. the pharmacy director reserves the final authority over any decision of the committee. In the first 8 months, the committee has completely revised and published a new set of guidelines for PMRs, developed a company profile and message book, and instituted a new photo identification tag system. Several firms and the pharmacy department will be featured in a planned “Antibiotics” Display Day in February 1993. This is a novel approach to managing the PMR-hospital interface without a significant reduction in the stringency of the guidelines. We expect that greater compliance with policies will occur when PMRs have input into the decision making process and that avenues for PMRs to legitimately protest any subsequent disciplinary action will be decreased.


*abstract/Canada/hospitals/sales representatives/regulation of promotion/REGULATION, CODES, GUIDELINES: HOSPITALS


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