Healthy Skepticism Library item: 4670
Warning: This library includes all items relevant to health product marketing that we are aware of regardless of quality. Often we do not agree with all or part of the contents.
Publication type: Journal Article
Arnold , R. B.
Self-regulation of the promotion and marketing of prescription medicines
Drugs Made in Germany 1993; 36:(3):75-78
The Code of Pharmaceutical Marketing Practices of the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Associations is the visible, public declaration of the commitment of the international pharmaceutical industry to exercise self-discipline in order to ensure that its products are marketed responsibly and on the basis of sound, scientific principles. The Code, which has been agreed and adopted by all member Associations of the IFPMA and their member companies acts not only as a model for the adoption of self-regulatory codes at national association and company level, it is also an operational Code with a well tried and tested procedure for dealing with allegations of poor marketing practices. In countries where drug regulatory authorities do not have the administrative resources to regulate drug advertising and promotion, IFPMA’a Code provides a practical and effective means of making sure that ethical standards apply. The IFPMA Code cannot, however, exist in isolation. It is supported by a global network of national association codes and company operating procedures, which must, in turn, function within a framework of national regulation, where these have been established. The Executive bodies of the International Federation are aware of the need to ensure that companies are regularly reminded of their obligations. In a letter to his fellow pharmaceutical company CEOs the then President of IFPMA, Eugene L. Step wrote: “There is a consensus within and outside the industry that standards of marketing behaviour have risen [since the IFPMA Code has been in effect] and the support of the industry for the principles of the Codes as well as the actions taken within companies to assure compliance have been a key factor in this achievement. I would urge you to ensure that your staff members are continually reminded of the need to follow well-defined guidelines for marketing activities and to maintain consistent operating standards in all countries. Furthermore, observance of these standards should be required of your licensees and agents as a condition of the relationship.â€
*analysis/International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Associations/IFPMA/Code of Pharmaceutical Marketing Practices (IFPMA)/regulation of promotion /ATTITUDES REGARDING PROMOTION: INDUSTRY/REGULATION, CODES, GUIDELINES: COMPLIANCE, SANCTIONS, STANDARDS/REGULATION, CODES, GUIDELINES: INDUSTRY SELF-REGULATION
Conflict of interest: Dr. Arnold is executive vice-president of the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Assocations.