Healthy Skepticism Library item: 4665
Warning: This library includes all items relevant to health product marketing that we are aware of regardless of quality. Often we do not agree with all or part of the contents.
Publication type: report
American Business Press/Advertising Research Foundation
Product growth: how can it be achieved in an era of tighter resources? The ARF/ABP pharmaceutical study
New York: American Business Press 1993
Higher levels of journal advertising can: result in heightened awareness of a product and its sales message; yield more prescriptions and greater market share; generate additional sales revenues; and provide a higher return on investment. Also the longer a journal ad campaign is sustained, the greater its influence in each of the above areas. Its effect accumulates over time, and with constant advertising pressure, builds to its full impact.
*controlled trial/United States/journal advertisements/ analysis of prescribing pattern/ ad recognition/ doctors/INFLUENCE OF PROMOTION: MARKET SHARE/INFLUENCE OF PROMOTION: PRESCRIBING, DRUG USE/PROMOTIONAL TECHNIQUES: JOURNAL ADVERTISEMENTS
Reviewed in: Ned Matalia, Medical Marketing & Media 1994;29(5):12-14, 16, 18-20.
Methodology note: The report does not provide any details about the physicians who participated or how they were selected. Therefore, increases in prescriptions by physicians exposed to more advertising might be due to confounding variables.