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Healthy Skepticism Library item: 4459

Warning: This library includes all items relevant to health product marketing that we are aware of regardless of quality. Often we do not agree with all or part of the contents.


Publication type: Journal Article

ASHP policy on the acceptance of advertising.
Am J Hosp Pharm. 1992 Jan; 49:(1):160-1


The American Society of Hospital Pharmacists seeks to promote and elevate the professional practice of pharmacy and improve pharmaceutical care to patients in hospitals and healthcare systems. Recognizing that advertising is an important medium of information, ASHP strives to ensure the accuracy, comprehensiveness, timeliness, and relevancy of advertisements in its publications. The guiding principles for acceptance of advertising are: 1. Advertising will be accepted, subject to editorial approval, for drugs, equipment, books, and other items or services used in hospitals and healthcare systems. 2. Advertisers, by submitting advertising copy, certify that it is in accord with applicable government regulations. 3. Advertisements that tend to limit effectiveness of ASHP programs, or promote concepts or practices that are contrary to official ASHP policy will not be accepted. 4. Alcoholic beverages and tobacco products are not eligible for advertising. 5. Ads will not be accepted if they violate pharmaceutical ethics, are inappropriate or offensive, contain personal, racial, or religious attacks, are libellous or otherwise unlawful, or contain invalids or unlawful claims. 6. Sweeping superlatives, extravagant wording, unfair comparisons, or unwarranted disparagement of competitors will not be accepted. 7. Ads suggesting a profit or personal benefit for pharmacists selling or recommending products will not be accepted. 8. Ads offering free goods or premiums contingent on product purchase will not be accepted. 9. Ads should not be deceptive. 10. Advertisers may be required to submit supportive data. 11. ASHP reserves the right to conduct an onsite review of a prospective advertiser’s facilities, but no reference to such review shall be permitted in ads or other printed material.

*policy statement & guideline/United States/ Advertising* Drug Industry* Pharmacists* Publishing*/standards*


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