Healthy Skepticism Library item: 4316
Warning: This library includes all items relevant to health product marketing that we are aware of regardless of quality. Often we do not agree with all or part of the contents.
Publication type: Journal Article
Bleidt B.
Marketing activities: the keystone of capitalism—increasing the availability of prescription drugs through pharmaceutical promotion
Journal of Drug Issues 1992; 22:277-293
This article extolls the advantages of promotional efforts by the pharmaceutical industry, especially in providing information on technological advances, recently approved indications and new products. However, one aspect of marketing, price, is creating quite a controversy, especially since manufacturers are raising prices at rates several times that for general consumer goods. Additionally, the complex, multi-tier distribution network is causing problems by leaving some practitioners feeling that they are being unfairly disadvantaged in the marketplace, thereby, creating significant ill will. In order for the industry to elicit pharmacy’s help in future promotional activities, especially those aimed at the general public (such as wellness campaigns), it is going to have to get more pharmacists involved in the planning and implementation of such projects and pay more attention to how industry policies and actions impact on the profession (e.g., multi-tier pricing).
*analysis/United States/value of promotion/patient education material/ consumer drug prices/direct-to-consumer advertising/INFLUENCE OF PROMOTION: CONSUMER DRUG COSTS/INFLUENCE OF PROMOTION: CONSUMERS AND PATIENTS/PROMOTIONAL TECHNIQUES: DIRECT-TO-CONSUMER ADVERTISING