Healthy Skepticism Library item: 2960
Warning: This library includes all items relevant to health product marketing that we are aware of regardless of quality. Often we do not agree with all or part of the contents.
Publication type: Journal Article
Holmes JD.
Drug advertisements information
New Zealand Medical Journal 1978; 87:226
The author reanalyzed the advertisements reported in the original article (New Zealand Medical Journal 1977;86:467-469). The required price, safety, indication, etc. information was present between 42% and 87% of the time in complete advertisements. Reminder advertisements often contained little in the way of information except for the name of the drug and in seven cases the name of the active ingredient was not mentioned. Complete advertisements are becoming a greater proportion of all journal advertisements. The Disciplinary Committee of the Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association would probably have more power if its chair and some other members came from outside the industry and if the names of persistant offenders were revealed to the medical profession.
*letter to the editor/*analytic survey/New Zealand/journal advertisements/quality of information/Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association (NZ)/ regulation of promotion/ Code of Practice for the Pharmaceutical Industry (NZ)/EVALUATION OF PROMOTION: JOURNAL ADVERTISEMENTS/REGULATION, CODES, GUIDELINES: COMPLIANCE, SANCTIONS, STANDARDS/REGULATION, CODES, GUIDELINES: INDUSTRY SELF-REGULATION