Healthy Skepticism Library item: 2936
Warning: This library includes all items relevant to health product marketing that we are aware of regardless of quality. Often we do not agree with all or part of the contents.
Publication type: Journal Article
Martin RW.
Drug costs.
N Z Med J 1977 Aug 24; 86:(594):202
Drug promotion is necessary to bring new products to the attention of doctors in order to build up an adequate sales volume and recoup companies’ investments. Sales representatives are widely used in New Zealand and most doctors rate them as a useful source of information. Not all representatives are as well trained as they should be, but the establishment of the Institute of Medical Representatives will help correct this.
*letter to the editor/New Zealand/sales representatives/value of promotion/industry perspective/New Zealand Institute of Medical Representatives/ Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association (NZ)/ATTITUDES REGARDING PROMOTION: INDUSTRY/PROMOTIONAL TECHNIQUES: DETAILING/REGULATION, CODES, GUIDELINES: COMPLIANCE, SANCTIONS, STANDARDS/REGULATION, CODES, GUIDELINES: INDUSTRY SELF-REGULATION
Costs and Cost Analysis
Drug Industry*
New Zealand