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Healthy Skepticism Library item: 2059

Warning: This library includes all items relevant to health product marketing that we are aware of regardless of quality. Often we do not agree with all or part of the contents.


Publication type: Journal Article

Goldman R, Montagne M.
Marketing 'mind mechanics': decoding antidepressant drug advertisements.
Soc Sci Med 1986; 22:(10):1047-58


Advertisers have adopted the use of highly abstract visual metaphors and symbols in addressing physicians about antidepressant drugs. Campaigns built around an abstract visual aesthetics are designed to generate cognitive connections between named drug entities and the meaning of abstract visual images: these connections are called ‘carry-over symbols’. In this study we critically dismantle and analyze the encoding practices used in two recent ad campaigns for antidepressants. In addition to asking what the ads mean, we ask how they mean it. This analysis is joined to a comparison of the information provided by these ads with the pharmacological and therapeutic properties of the drugs themselves. Our analysis suggests this style of drug advertising produces, as a social side-effect, a reified and medicalized account of psychiatric illness (depression). It also poses an obstacle to scientific discourse and understanding; privileges certain types of social knowledge concerning mental illness, psychiatric patients, and drug taking; and discourages professional d debate regarding therapeutic approaches to treating illness. These ads reflect a positivistic conceptualization of mental illness and doctoring as mind mechanics.

MeSH Terms: Advertising/methods* Antidepressive Agents* Communication Drug Industry* Humans Maprotiline Pharmaceutical Services Physicians/psychology Symbolism Trazodone Substances: Antidepressive Agents Maprotiline Trazodone *analysis/journal advertisements/psychotropic drugs/images in ads/metaphors/depression/EVALUATION OF PROMOTION: JOURNAL ADVERTISEMENTS/IMAGES IN PROMOTION: METHAPHORS/INFLUENCE OF PROMOTION: MEDICALIZATION OF PROBLEMS/PROMOTION IN SPECIFIC THERAPEUTIC AREAS: PSYCHIATRIC DISEASES Advertising/methods* Antidepressive Agents* Communication Drug Industry* Humans Maprotiline Pharmaceutical Services Physicians/psychology Symbolism Trazodone


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