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Healthy Skepticism Library item: 19613

Warning: This library includes all items relevant to health product marketing that we are aware of regardless of quality. Often we do not agree with all or part of the contents.


Publication type: Electronic Source

Moldenhauer S
Turning pharma hallway calls into sales growth 2011 July 30


The payoff for successful hallway calls can be enormous

Full text:

To say that pharmaceutical selling has changed over the last 20 years would be an understatement.
Of the many changes, perhaps none is more dramatic than the look and feel of the average sales call.

Twenty years ago, when physicians had time to talk with reps, they brought them into their offices, poured a cup of coffee, and had a long chat.

Today’s sales call has the feel of a 100-yard dash. In fact, the average rep spends 75% of his day engaged in hallway calls.

These calls are brief, last two minutes or less, and typically occur when physicians are zipping back and forth between patients.

While hallway calls provide less than ideal selling situations, they have become a permanent part of the selling environment.

Hallway calls are here to stay, and sales leaders who can help representatives improve the effectiveness of hallway calls will reap big rewards.

Perfecting the hallway call

Most hallway calls leave much to be desired. According to data from ZS Associates, most representatives neither deliver a core message during hallway calls, nor do they display other fundamental sales behaviors desired by their companies.

Most often, they talk about samples or upcoming speaker programs.

Why do reps fail to deliver on the hallway call? Put yourself into their shoes.

As you stand in a busy hallway waiting for the doctor to exit an exam room, you notice there are three patients anxiously waiting in exam rooms, the nurse is cranky, and the doctor is running 20 minutes behind.

As you wait, you begin to ask yourself questions: Is this a good time? Should I bring up my product? Will I upset the doctor?

In the end, you pass on the opportunity and move on to your next office.

Sales trainers can increase both the quality and frequency of hallway calls by helping representatives eliminate anxious hesitation.

To do this, training departments must show sales representatives how to deliver calls briefly and in a way that makes both physician and representative comfortable.

The payoff for training successful hallway calls can be enormous. A representative who confidently strives for hallway interactions, possesses the ability to create hallway product discussions, and knows how to deliver a concise (yet effective) message can provide significant sales increases for any organization.


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