Healthy Skepticism Library item: 1872
Warning: This library includes all items relevant to health product marketing that we are aware of regardless of quality. Often we do not agree with all or part of the contents.
Publication type: Journal Article
Hayes TM, Allery LA, Harding KG, Owen PA.
Continuing education for general practice and the role of the pharmaceutical industry.
Br J Gen Pract 1990 Dec; 40:(341):510-2
A survey of the involvement in and attitudes towards continuing medical education of 101 general practitioners achieved a 95% response rate. Ninety per cent of the 96 doctors worked in practices which held meetings the content of which was organized by representatives of pharmaceutical companies but only 46% worked in practices which organized their own educational meetings. Seventy six per cent attended meetings away from their practice which were organized by drug companies and 75% had attended at some time continuing medical education activities organized by a local postgraduate centre. The promotional aspects of the drug company organized meetings were disliked by a majority of respondents (58%); more of the trainers (62%) and more of those who had entered general practice within the last seven years (71%) disliked this aspect. Nonetheless the educational content of both meetings held in the practice and those held elsewhere was the aspect most liked by over half of the respondents (59% and 53% respectively). Only 16% of all respondents thought that visits by representatives from pharmaceutical companies were educationally valuable and 37% thought that educational events organized by these companies were of value. Surprisingly 60% of those who worked in practices which held meetings organized by drug company representatives thought them to be of little or no educational value. There is clearly a need for practice based continuing medical education but the current level of dependence on drug companies for organizing these meetings must be questioned. Alternative strategies for the provision of independent non-sponsored educational activities should be sought.
Drug Industry*
Drug Therapy
Education, Medical, Continuing*
Family Practice/education*
Great Britain