Healthy Skepticism Library item: 1867
Warning: This library includes all items relevant to health product marketing that we are aware of regardless of quality. Often we do not agree with all or part of the contents.
Publication type: Journal Article
Kelly MH, Murray TS.
Motivation of general practitioners attending postgraduate education.
Br J Gen Pract 1996 Jun; 46:(407):353-6
BACKGROUND: The 1990 Contract encouraged general practitioners to participate in continuing medical education by providing a financial incentive.
AIM: The study was designed: to determine the motivation of general practitioners attending education events; and to compare motivation and reasons for attendance pre- and post-Contract at commercial and non-commercial meetings, and at the different educational categories of Disease Management (DM), Health Promotion (HP) and Service Management (SM).
METHOD: Two structured questionnaires were used. The first was sent to all general practitioners in the West of Scotland and asked about motivation pre-1990 Contract and the second, post-Contract, looked at motivation and reasons for attending a course as part of post course assessment. This latter was part of a much larger study evaluating continuing medical education. RESULTS: A total of 1161 practitioners responded to questionnaire I and 552 general practitioners attended 27 randomly selected postgraduate meetings. Finance was a motivator in 3.8% pre-Contract, and this increased to 33.3% post-Contract and was the most commonly stated reason for attendance in 81.3%. Financial incentive had the biggest influence on those attending HP sessions (91.5%), then SM (87.2%) and finally DM (78.6% (chi 2 = 8.68; P < or = 0.013). It was also important to 73% attending drug-company-sponsored meetings compared with 83.7% going to non-commercial ones. Interest was a good motivator both pre- and post-Contract, but more so for DM than other categories and drug company as opposed to non-commercial meetings (chi 2 = 9.4; P < 0.002). Lack of knowledge became a less-important motivator post-Contract, and doctors felt least knowledgeable in SM (62.2%), as opposed to DM (57.9%) and HP (23.6%) (chi 2 = 38.8; P < 0.001, with each differing significantly from both others). Doctors found the topics provided by the pharmaceutical companies more interesting (chi 2 = 9.4; P < 0.002) and the hospitality provided more alluring than scheme meetings (chi 2 = 28.6; P < 0.001).
CONCLUSIONS: Finance has a major effect on attendance at postgraduate meetings but may not be a good incentive for learning. Planning for education must take into account the different motivational factors for the different categories. Reasons for attending commercial meetings differ from non-commercial ones and these events should be closely monitored.
Education, Medical, Continuing*
Family Practice/education*
Physicians, Family/education
Physicians, Family/psychology*