Healthy Skepticism Library item: 11005
Warning: This library includes all items relevant to health product marketing that we are aware of regardless of quality. Often we do not agree with all or part of the contents.
Publication type: Journal Article
Moncrieff J.
In Debate: Are Antidepressants as Effective as Claimed? No, They Are Not Effective at All
Can J Psychiatry 2007 Feb; 52:(2):96–97
Antidepressant drugs are claimed to have specific effects on depressive symptoms. It is assumed that they do this by acting on an abnormal brain state that gives rise to depression. In contrast, I suggest that there is no evidence for this position. The effects of antidepressants seen in depression trials can easily be accounted for by nonspecific pharmacologic and psychological actions.
Free full text at Can J Psychiatry site
Links to rest of debate:
Are Antidepressants as Effective as Claimed? Yes, But . . .
Lakshmi Ravindran, Sidney H Kennedy
Rebuttal: Depression Is Not a Brain Disease
Joanna Moncrieff
Response to Dr Moncrieff
Lakshmi Ravindran, Sidney H Kennedy