Healthy Skepticism
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How to start a Healthy Skepticism group

1. Ensure that you are a paid, honorary or student member of Healthy Skepticism.

2. Define the scope of the topic for the group.
The topic must be within the wide range covered by our aims.

3. Decide who may join and who can access the archives.
You can limit membership and/or archive access to HS members or not as you see fit.

4. Decide if you want an email discussion list or a web discussion forum and ask .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) to set it up.

5. Invite people to join
Send an invitation to the HS members list and/or ask to include an invitation in HS Updates (sent to all our mailing lists). You can invite people who are not yet on any of our mailing lists to join.

6. Refine the decisions made above in consultation with the founding members of your group.

7. Tell .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) your final decision re step 2 so that he can add your group to this section of our website.


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