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Healthy Skepticism Announcements

Conference: PharmAware, Newcastle, UK 2 October 2010

Welcome to Pharmaware's interactive day of talks and discussions!

Where: Newcastle Medical Sciences school, dental lecture theatre C
When: October 2nd, 10am
What: Interactive day of talks and discussions on Pharmaceutical issues including- misuse of drug promotion, ethical issues involved with working in the industry, the challenges of Direct to Consumer Advertising.


Who: Speakers include:
Dr Peter Mansfield on his tour from Australia, head of Healthy Skepticisim worldwide he has extensive knowledge and passion on a huge range of issues.
Carole Piriou from Health Action International, based in the Netherlands and introducing their new manual - ‘Understanding and Responding to Pharmaceutical Promotion’
Professor Gary Ford researcher in Stroke medicine, Newcastle and lecturer on pharmaceutical ethics.

Who for?: Doctors, students, biochemists, anyone with an interest in the industry and our interactions! (including general public)

With the ever expanding medical curriculum there is never enough time to learn about what really goes on until you are faced with it in real life, learn from others and debate the interaction we have with pharmaceuticals from all perspectives!

Tickets £10(£5 for freshers!) with lunch and snacks provided.
Email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) for more info, booking a space and information about rooms (some ‘student style accommodation available from our hosts Newcastle Medsin!)


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