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Healthy Skepticism Announcements

Workshop Disease-mongering with Ray Moynihan. Lisbon, Portugal, 27-28 September 2010

The workshop will introduce participants to the public health problem known as ‘disease-mongering’ – widening the boundaries of medical illness in order to sell tests and treatments – and will deeper the knowledge and insights of those already familiar with the phenomenon.

It will be designed for practising physicians in Portugal, but will be open for pharmacists, allied health practitioners including nurses, journalists, policy-makers and university students across all these disciplines.


The workshop will be lead by Ray Moynihan, an internationally respected journalist, author and researcher who has published widely on pharmaceutical marketing, physician-industry entanglement, evidence-informed decision making, and disease-mongering. His 2005 book, Selling Sickness: how drug companies are turning us all into patients has been described in the New York Times as a ‘compelling case’ and translated into 12 languages.

The workshop will run over two days, September 27 and 28, 2010 in Lisbon, and will combine didactic lectures, interactive sessions and group-based learning, using academically rigorous and at times humorous material, including video. The proposed format would include a total of 12 hours teaching, in four sections

South Region Portuguese Medical Association
Av. Almirante Gago Coutinho, 151
1749-084 Lisbon

Organizing committee:
Isabel Caixeiro
Edgar Ferreira
Manuela Santos
Luís Filipe Gomes

Promoting entities:
South Region Portuguese Medical Association

Send full name, address and profession to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
€ 50 with lunch included.
Payment through check to “Secção Regional do Sul da Ordem dos Médicos”. For more details you can also contact to +351 21 842 71 00
Registration will be valid only after good collection.



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Cases of wilful misrepresentation are a rarity in medical advertising. For every advertisement in which nonexistent doctors are called on to testify or deliberately irrelevant references are bunched up in [fine print], you will find a hundred or more whose greatest offenses are unquestioning enthusiasm and the skill to communicate it.

The best defence the physician can muster against this kind of advertising is a healthy skepticism and a willingness, not always apparent in the past, to do his homework. He must cultivate a flair for spotting the logical loophole, the invalid clinical trial, the unreliable or meaningless testimonial, the unneeded improvement and the unlikely claim. Above all, he must develop greater resistance to the lure of the fashionable and the new.
- Pierre R. Garai (advertising executive) 1963