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Healthy Skepticism Announcements

Seminar with Peter Mansfield: Against misleading information. Lisbon, Portugal, 9 October 2010

Against misleading information. In the struggle for better health!


Who is Peter Mansfield?

He’s a Family Physician, Research Fellow of the Discipline of Family Medicine at the University of Adelaide in Australia.
He was the founder and is the Director of the international organisation Healthy Skepticism Inc, which aims to promote health by reducing harm caused by misleading information from pharmaceutical industry. This organization includes many physicians, pharmacists and other health professionals.

What is the Healthy Skepticism Organisation?
What attitudes do professional and lay people have to promotion?
What impact does pharmaceutical promotion have on knowledge and behaviour of health professionals?
What effects on the health of users?
How does work the pharmaceutical industry?
It’s possible to have professional formation and medical research independent of the pharmaceutical industry?
In what sources of information should we trust?
Why do we need an independent drug bulletin in Portugal?
What interventions can be made to counter the promotion of misleading information?

Date: 9 October 2010
Time: 17-20h (coffee-break included)
South Region Portuguese Medical Association
Av. Almirante Gago Coutinho, 151
1749-084 Lisbon

Audience: Physicians, pharmacists, other health professionals and respective College Students

Organizing committee:
Isabel Caixeiro
Manuela Santos
Edgar Ferreira
Luís Filipe Gomes
Tiago Villanueva

Promoting entities:
Healthy Skepticism
South Region Portuguese Medical Association

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Page views since 15 March 2010: 2929



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Cases of wilful misrepresentation are a rarity in medical advertising. For every advertisement in which nonexistent doctors are called on to testify or deliberately irrelevant references are bunched up in [fine print], you will find a hundred or more whose greatest offenses are unquestioning enthusiasm and the skill to communicate it.

The best defence the physician can muster against this kind of advertising is a healthy skepticism and a willingness, not always apparent in the past, to do his homework. He must cultivate a flair for spotting the logical loophole, the invalid clinical trial, the unreliable or meaningless testimonial, the unneeded improvement and the unlikely claim. Above all, he must develop greater resistance to the lure of the fashionable and the new.
- Pierre R. Garai (advertising executive) 1963