Healthy Skepticism Announcements
International conference: Quality information for quality use of medicines, Kazan, Russia Oct 15-16
International conference: Quality information – for quality use of medicines
15-16 October, 2010, Kazan, Russia
The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan, The Administration of the Federal surveillance services in health and social development in the Republic of Tatarstan, The Kazan State Medical Academy, Eurasian academy of medical sciences, and GEOTAR publishing group are organising an International Conference «Quality information – for quality use of medicines» timed to the 25th anniversary of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy of the KSMA and to the 10th anniversary of formulary system implementation in the Republic of Tatarstan in the framework of the WHO Essential Medicines Concept.
The most important issues of pharmaceutical policy, medicine regulation and
use which directly depend on medicine information, on scientific basis of
medicine efficacy and safety assessment and medicines’ value to public
health as well as problems of delivery of this information to health
community and public will be discussed and put on the high political agenda.
Among the priority problems are the following: misleading medicine
information and ways to its understanding; conflict of interest in modern
healthcare, activities of sales representatives and the impact on health
systems, which were identified by the leadership of the Russian Federation –
its President D.A. Medvedev and Prime-minister V.V. Putin as the priority
issues for change.
The World International leaders in medicine information – representatives of
International Society of Independent Drug Bulletins, International
Organisation “Healthy Scepticism”, Le revue Prescrire, the Cochrane
Collaboration, the World Health Organisation and Russian scientists have
been invited to participate in the conference.
The Organizing Committee warmly invites you to take part in the Conference.
The scientific program will include plenary sessions, seminars, workshops
and young scientists’ competition on the following topics:
a.. Quality/rational use of medicines
b.. Information technologies in pharmaceuticals, clinical pharmacology and
medicine regulation and policies
c.. Pharmacovigilance, safety of medicines
d.. Evidence-based medicine in clinical pharmacology and pharmaceutical
e.. International integration and harmonisation in medicine regulation
f.. Pharmaceutical policy and its analysis
g.. Development of the Russian domestic pharmaceutical sector
h.. Programmes of medicine supply management;
i.. Formulary system and standards in healthcare systems, development of
j.. Drug supply systems for hospitals and communities
k.. Pharmacoepidemiology and pharmacoeconomics
Young scientists’ competition will include competitions of abstracts, posters
and oral presentations.
The Organizing Committee invites you to submit abstracts. The Conference
Proceedings will be published in a special issue of the Journal “Clinical
Pharmacology and Therapeutics” (Publishing Group “GEOTAR-Media”).
Abstracts’ preparation
The abstracts should include the following sections: Background, Objective,
Methods, Results and Conclusions. The abstract should not exceed 2 pages
Positioning on the page:
1 line – payment information (not for international submissions)
2 line – family name, first name and second name (if applicable), address,
telephone, e-mail of the corresponding author
3 line – affiliation – the institution, department, laboratory, the head of
the dept/lab, the city
4 line – the title of the abstract (in BLOCK CAPITALS)
5 line – the text of the abstract: 12, Times New Roman, single spaced,
margins 2,5 cm on all sides.
Example of abstract lay-out
Background: brief
Objective: clear-cut, well-defined
Methods: defining methods of statistical analysis
Results: concrete specific data, WITHOUT TABLES OR GRAPHS!
Conclusions: corresponding to the objectives and methods.
Abstracts can be delivered to the Organizing Committee by email, as attachments (word or RTF files), to the following addresses:
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On-line submission and on-line registration for the conference are at:
Abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Council of the Conference. Only
successfully peer-reviewed materials will be published.
Deadline for abstracts submission – 15 July 2010
Payment for abstracts’ publication 450 Russian rubles – on-site payment and on-site registration will be available.
Hotel information will be sent in future email messages.
We will be happy to welcome you to the ancient Kazan –
– the sports capital of the Russian Federation
– the unique place where East and West come together – for health, culture and prosperity!
Organizing Committee:
Russian Federation
420012, Kazan,
Mushtari street, 11,
Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy
Tel: +7 8432 73 08 02
Fax: +7 8432 73 08 02
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