Healthy Skepticism Announcements
Symposium: To Do No Harm, Toronto, 29 November 2010
The UBC Pharmaceutical Policy Research Collaboration together with researchers from an international
study on Pharmaceutical Sales Representatives and Patient Safety present a symposium:
To Do No Harm
Regulation of pharmaceutical promotion and protection of patient health
WHEN: Monday, November 29, 2010 from 9 am to 5 pm
WHERE: Four Seasons Hotel, 21 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Introduction and welcome
• Colleen Flood, Scientific Director, CIHR Institute of Health Services and Policy Research
Panel discussion: Overview on drug promotion and its regulation
• Marcâ€André Gagnon, Professor, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario
• Joel Lexchin, Professor, York University, Toronto, Ontario
• Line Guénette, Conseil du Médicament, Quebec
Panel discussion: Drug promotion regulation in three countries
• David K Lee, Director, Office of Legislative and Regulatory Modernization, Health Canada
• Sangeeta Vaswani, Team Leader, Div. of Drug Marketing, Advertising & Communication, FDA, USA
• Alexandre Biosse Duplan, Chef de projet, Haute autorité de santé, Paris, France
Presentation of study results: Pharmaceutical sales representatives and patient safety
• Barbara Mintzes, Assistant Professor, UBC, Vancouver, BC
Panel discussion: Independent medicines information and public safety
• James Wright, Managing Director, Therapeutics Initiative, UBC, Vancouver, BC
• Florence Vandevelde, La revue Prescrire, Paris, France
• Lisa Bero, Professor, University of Californiaâ€San Francisco, California, USA
Panel discussion: Broader implications for professional practice
• Adriane Fughâ€Berman, Associate professor, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, USA
• Russell Williams, President and CEO, Rx&D Canada, Ottawa, Ontario
• Mitchell Levine, Director, Centre for Evaluation of Medicines, McMaster U, Hamilton, Ontario
Lunch provided.
Registration fees:
Private Industry Delegate $395
Publicâ€sector and Nonâ€profit Delegate $195
Student $50 (only a small number of spaces set aside for students)
Register early †Registration is limited to 75 participants and will be on a firstâ€come, firstâ€served basis.
For more information and to register online, see Upcoming Events at:
Contact: Research Coordinator Ellen Reynolds at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) or phone +1.778.430â€2180
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