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Healthy Skepticism Announcements

Call for conference posters and journal papers

Call for posters for the Selling Sickness conference and papers for a theme issue of the International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health.


The international conference: ‘Selling Sickness - Influence on influence’ will be held at the Mövenpick Hotel Amsterdam on October 7-8, 2010.

For more information about the conference please visit:

Call for posters

You are invited to submit a poster abstract relevant to one or both of the following:   
* Understanding the problems with information and/or education about pharmaceuticals and/or promotion of pharmaceuticals.
* Developing solutions for such problems to benefit the public.

Posters are welcome from academics and non-academics and do not have to present original research.

For more information please visit:

Call for papers

The International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health will soon have a wider scope.

Peter R Mansfield will be guest editor for a theme issue of that journal. The theme will be the same as for the posters above.

You are invited to submit a paper before the deadline: 28 February 2011. It is recommended, but not required, that you present your work as a poster at the conference so as to benefit from discussion other conference participants. Papers from people who are unable to attend the conference will also be welcome. Papers with multiple authors who have not worked together before will be especially welcome.

For submission instructions and author guidelines please visit:


Announcements homepage

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